Chiropractors are extensively educated in the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal (or MSK) conditions. They provide qualified and effective treatment to promote health, alleviate pain and improve your quality of life by treating the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and connective tissues that you use every day.
Specific training in spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) allows chiropractors to provide adjustments using highly-skilled and precise movements to the vertebrae of the spine, correcting joint motion to restore proper movement and improve function.
They can also recommend a course of treatment to help relieve pain and improve function without surgery or pharmaceuticals such as manipulation, soft tissue therapy, exercise, modalities (ultrasound, laser, etc.), rehabilitation, and patient education.
The best time to see your chiropractor is immediately after you suffer an injury or within two days of feeling the pain associated with the trauma. The earlier you see your chiropractor, the greater chance there is for a full recovery.
Injuries to the spine can happen at any stage of life and for various reasons including car crashes, workplace incidents and sports activities. Even simple everyday tasks such as lifting boxes, bending over, or washing the dishes have the potential to cause pain or discomfort that many of us just decide to live with.
Sometime, those small pains and aches can escalate into big medical challenges that can significantly impact your life and limit you from sleeping well, sitting or even walking. If your life is disrupted due to back pain, neck pain, headaches, sprains or strains, or another problem involving your muscles, joints, and nervous system, chiropractic care can help you feel like yourself again.
You never need a referral to see a chiropractor. Chiropractors are primary contact providers and can support your recovery from start to finish. Patients who suffer for a long time without chiropractic care may wish to seek out a second opinion from a chiropractic doctor if their current medical treatments are not effective.
Visiting your chiropractor at the first sign of injury or pain will put you on the path to a quicker recovery.
Before the start of the appointment, you will be asked to provide your contact information, complete a health history form, and detail your current complaints. If you currently have an ongoing ICBC or WorkSafe BC claim, you will be asked to fill in additional paperwork. The information you provide will give the practitioner treating you a clear picture of your medical history, and will allow them to make a more complete assessment.
The reception staff will answer any questions you may have about what to expect.
Once in the examination room, and after introductions, Dr. Larsen will review your completed paperwork and ask further questions regarding your condition, health history and lifestyle. Further notes are made to your chart depending on your answers.
If you have any MRI Reports, X-ray scans, or other relevant test results, we encourage you to bring them to the appointment. A copy will be made and added to your patient chart.
Before any physical examination can take place, Dr. Larsen will confirm that you have read through the Informed Consent, ensure you understand the information provided, and answer any questions you may have. Your signature will be required before treatment may begin. Informed consent is about ensuring the patient is clear as to the diagnosis, treatment options and anticipated outcomes of the treatment.
Once your medical history is established, Dr. Larsen will conduct a physical examination. This may include touching or palpating areas of your body. She will also look for neurological symptoms that could point to an injury involving your nerves. Some physical tests, such as leaning your body to one side and then the other, checking your reflexes, or moving your arms and legs, may be required.
In some cases, she may recommend an X-ray or other imaging before continuing treatment.
Your health history and the examination conducted by Dr. Larsen will provide information and clues towards your diagnosis. Knowing the source of your discomfort or pain is the first, vital step to both treatment and prevention.
If the problem is caused by something out of chiropractic scope of practice, you will be referred to a specialist or other health care provider.
Once you understand the diagnosis and feel comfortable moving forward, your doctor will begin treatment. This may includes adjustments, manipulation, soft tissue therapy, exercise, modalities (ultrasound, cold laser, etc.), rehabilitation, and patient education.
Adjustments are generally performed on a chiropractic table, similar to a massage table. If you are not comfortable with an adjustment, your chiropractor will utilize other therapies to treat you.
After treatment, you may feel some discomfort or fatigue but this should not last more than 24 hours. Most patients feel relief and increased mobility immediately after the treatment while others notice changes more gradually.
At the end of your visit, Dr. Larsen will propose a treatment plan that is designed to deal with your unique health concerns. As each body is different, the frequency and number of visits will depend on the severity of the problem you are looking to treat.
Whether its a chronic condition, or you looking to maintain your health, Dr. Larsen will recommend the most appropriate course of action.
As part of your treatment, Dr. Larsen will help you identify the cause of your condition, whether it is from poor posture, a repetitive strain injury or anything else in between. She will prescribe various exercises and offer lifestyle advice to accompany your treatment plan.
Our goal at EHL Health is to get you well sooner and keep you well.
Our goal at EHL Health is to diagnose your spinal condition, develop an individualized treatment plan and provide education around injury prevention. This three-step approach helps you to get back to the things you enjoy sooner, and will hopefully prevent future re-injury.